Eliminate 95% of All Illness and Disease by what We Eat,Think and Do
God's Original Health-Care Plan; Organic Plant-Based, Self-Care...
Hope Is Where the Heart Is
For now we are offering Whole-Plant Hemp Capsules until of GodMed.com site it ready, then all the below will come online.
Home-delivered Organic & Natural health products for its members. Over 700 brands across 125 product categories covering over 24,000 unique items. Categories ~ Eco-
Home, For Baby, Grocery, Health & Beauty, Baking Supplies, Restaurant Supplies, Vitamins & Supplements… We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destinations. By offering this service we are helping provide the necessary items needed to live a healthy energetic
long life. A portion of everything members purchase through this site will go towards free items to those in need that qualify.

GodMed Capsules and GodMed Synergistic Herbal corp. was the beginning point for my Healing and getting me off $2000 a month in chemical fed med potions. Between January and April 2011 or so my years of chronic back pain, PTSD, Bi-poplar, depressions etc. all diminished!! My (Pastor Steve's) back pain went from chronic to irrelevant and even non-exsistant by simply ingesting the Whole Organic Plant of Cannabis!!! The healthier I became the healthier I wished to become which has led to create a couple Natural Healing Organic Plant-Based Churches.
Eliminate 95% of All Illness and Disease by what We Eat, Think and Do...
ChurchofCommonSense.Life GuardiansoftheSacramentsNAC.com GodMedSynergies.Life
God Med Synergistic Herbal corp’s:
2011 Press Releases previous to the drug-war hitting California dispensaries and
subsequent collateral damage forcing GMSHC’s shut-down after November Grand Opening:
GodMeds business was doubling monthly previously, then quickly went bankrupt...

20 New Cannabis Hemp Capsule Blends will be drastically more affordable (1/2 as potent) soon as Churches are funded; which I Am currently seeking.
10 ~ $8.00
25 ~ $17.50
50 ~ $30.00
100~ $50.00